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Complete solutions for administration of energy consumption and costs in commercial properties with multiple tenants, and for industrial parks.

Optimal metering structure and modern metering equipment,
flexible solutions, clear reporting and overview.
BetMGM Online Casino appetMGM LoginRelieves the property manager of all energy and metering administration tasks
Managing the energy needs of over 300 commercial properties in the Nordics.
Established in 1996.

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  • VENI Energy Group surveys your commercial premises and optimises the metering structure in accordance with your utilisation, tenant structure and shared areas.
  • Betmgm Casino blogVENI Energy Group installs the meters, and handles meter readings and the continuous control of the property’s energy consumption.
  • VENI Energy Group is responsible for invoicing tenants and the associated invoice settlement.
    risk, and manages the distribution of costs for shared electricity consumption.
  • Your operations manager gains full overview of the electricity consumption BetMGM login appand costs for all metering points in the building through ePortal.
  • VENI Energy Group offers integrated invoicing of grid and power.



“We BetMGM Online Casino appetMGM LoginRelieves the property manager of all energy and metering administration tasks”


  • VENI Energy Group performs an inspection of the property, tailors a solution to the utilization and management requirement of the building, BetMGM slotsand takes responsibility for installation of new meters and the main meter subscription.
  • VENI Energy Group operates the solution on behalf of the property owner/manager.
  • ePortal provides the operations manager with a detailed insight into consumption and costs as required.


  • Correct settlement and invoicing of tenants in the building.
  • ePortal for information about the meters, consumption and peak demand.
  • BetMGM slotsFast, accommodating service – we are commercial property experts!

Securing energy for your business