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VENI Energy Group’s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) focus

VENI Energy Group is a leading provider of environmentally conscious energy services in the Nordic region, and. actively helps small- and medium-sized businesses transition to environmentally friendly power sources. VENI Energy Group has more than 48,000 clients across industry, business and agriculture, and conducts annual ESG analyses.

Decarbonisation of the power sector is a critical BetMGM Online Casino appetMGM Loginfactor in combating climate change. VENI Energy is playing a direct role in tackling this monumental challenge, by actively promoting and making it easy for businesses to shift to sustainable energy sources.

The Nordic region is a leader in the environmentally friendly energy revolution. More than 40,000 of VENI Energy Group’s business clients have already opted for certified environmentally friendly power, and almost 100% of our customers in Sweden and Norway procure environmentally friendly energy. Greenification of the Finnish customer BetMGM Online Casino appetMGM Loginbase is active and successful, with strong growth rates. Greenfied clients receive guarantees of origin as documentation of energy source.

For VENI Energy it is not just about purchasing green power. It is also about using energy as wisely as possible. The company’s Metering Management business is helping clients to monitor, manage and reduce their power consumption. It also motivates clients to switch supplier in order to achieve a better and greener deal. Additionally, VENI Energy offers Energy Auditing services to allow BetMGM login appcustomers to enhance their energy efficiency and check that tariffs, taxes, charges and fees are correct.

Operationally, VENI Energy has made considerable efforts to reduce its own environmental impact, including initiatives to reduce energy consumption. Data process has been moved from own servers to more energy efficient cloud-based solutions. Business travel is reduced to the extent possible, and videoconferencing is being used to the extent possible.

VENI Energy Group AS (incl. VENI Metering AS, Eneas Services AS and Nordel Energi AS) have best betmgm slotsbeen a certified Eco-Lighthouse (Miljøfyrtårn) since 2007. VENI Metering AB, Eneas Services AB and Nordel Energi AB have been a certified SUSA (Svensk Miljöbas) since 2022. Additionally, the Group is a member of Green Point Norway (Grønt Punkt Norge), a non-profit entity responsible for financing the recovery and recycling of used packaging. It also directly supports the work of organizations dedicated to fighting the climate crisis, including the Bellona Foundation and Zero.

Staff wellbeing is a high priority for VENI Energy Group, including BetMGM login appmanaging employee turnover and absenteeism. The Group conducts annual employee satisfaction surveys and has HR policies in place, aimed at improving the work-life balance of employees. Data security and customer privacy are other important areas, with robust protocols and systems in place to manage cyber security.


    • 100% of clients in Sweden and Norway procure environmentally friendly energy, 30% in Finland
    • Continued efforts to increase clients’ use of environmentally friendly energy
    • Targeting 100% environmentally best betmgm slotsfriendly energy for all clients by 2030 (90% by 2025)

ZeroEco-lighthouseGrønt punktBellona

Securing energy for your business